LATINO DESIGN HISTORIES | Argentine Art and Design from the 1960s

The Society of Design Arts and AIGA Baltimore held this online talk by Wustavo Quiroga, a designer, cultural manager, institutional advisor, and researcher from Argentina. He is the president of IDA Foundation (2013) in Buenos Aires. Quiroga will share his experience as the editor of the publication “Material Ideas. Argentine Art and Design in the 1960s.”

AIGA Baltimore and SoDA member Raquel Castedo moderated the event, part of a virtual series created to promote the rich and plural histories of Latin American production in design.

Thank you to AIGA Unidos, Stevenson University, and the Vancouver Latin American Cultural Centre for partnering with us.

Recordings in English and Spanish are available below:


Wustavo Quiroga | Presenter
Raquel Castedo | SoDA and AIGA Baltimore Program Leader and Moderator
Gerardo Herrera-Cortes | AIGA Baltimore Host and Co-Producer
Frances Miller | AIGA Baltimore Co-Producer

Richard Stanley